Best Earbuds under 20

Best Earbuds under 20

Choosing the Best Earbuds under 20 bucks

From working out at the gym to cooking dinner at home, or anything in between, this list of the best earbuds under 20 bucks will make your life a lot easier! And since these earbuds are all under $20, it’s a good idea to get an extra pair to have on hand just in case!

Earbuds basically come in two forms; Wired, and wireless. Wired earbuds plug directly into your device, while the wireless earbuds connect via Bluetooth. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, which is why I like to keep a few of each on hand in case I break or lose one. Which type is best for you? Let’s find out.

So, Wired or wireless?

Wired earbuds are simple.

There’s no setup, and no battery to worry about charging. You don’t have to change any of your device’s settings, or worry about setting up a Bluetooth connection. As long as your device has a 3.5mm jack, you can plug it in and your audio comes through them.

However, their disadvantage is tied to their advantage. Since they easily plug into your device, you have to stay close to it, and there is a cord to deal with. The cord can get tangled and pull the earbuds out of your ears, which can be unpleasant if you’re not expecting it.

Wired earbuds tend to be more practical than wireless earbuds because of their simplicity. However, wireless earbuds have come a long way in recent years. Battery life is continually improving, and the sound quality meets or exceeds that of wired earbuds.

My kids use earbuds all the time, and I have not been able to find a pair that withstands the rough treatment a teenager puts them through. Usually the wires get frayed, or the earbud separates and breaks off. This is common with earbuds that are used and abused a lot. This seems to happen to them no matter how expensive they are. Pricey earbuds usually do not last much longer than an inexpensive pair, which is why I like to stay under $20 with mine. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, at no extra cost to you.

Do you want simplicity, without worrying about a battery dying, or losing a charger? Then wired earbuds are for you.

The Best Wired Earbuds under $20

Wired earbuds come in two variations. One with a built in microphone, and one without. If you don’t plan on making phone calls, or using them for chat during gaming, stick with the earbuds that don’t have a microphone. Our pick for the best earbuds under 20 bucks is:

Betron YSM1000 Wired Earbuds (affiliate link)

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If you prefer to be able to talk on the phone, or need a microphone for any other reason, our pick is below. Another advantage of this one is that you can use it to pause your music, answer the phone, and control the volume, all without needing to touch your phone.

JUKSTG Noise Isolating in-Ear Headphones with microphone and volume control (affiliate link)

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On the other hand….

Wireless offers more freedom.

If you don’t mind the extra setup and keeping a battery charged, wireless earbuds offer some major advantages. No need to be tied to your device. Bluetooth signals carry a decent distance so you can be up and moving around and still enjoy your audio, even if your device is on a charger.

We’ve also tried using these wireless Bluetooth earbuds. I like them for listening to podcasts, and the battery lasts several hours.

The Best Wireless Earbuds under $20

The Best Single earpiece headset

I am a huge fan of this single Bluetooth earbud. In fact, we have ordered 4 of them. We are still using 3 several times a week. (The other set was misplaced.) I’ve been using it for over a year and I’ve but noticed any difference in battery life. They easily last 6 to 7 hours before they need a charge. This is my favorite earbud. The price is right, and it always works as it should.

NENRENT S570 Bluetooth Earbud (affiliate link)

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The Best Double earpiece headset

LETSCOM Bluetooth Headphones with microphone (affiliate link)

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These earbuds cover both ears, and are great if you are active. They hook around your ear so they won’t fall off. Battery life is great, and they come in many colors. The sound is clear and it has good bass. If you’re looking for an earbud for an active lifestyle, this is the one for you!

There really is no wrong choice!

You won’t go wrong, no matter what earbud you chose from this list! These are all really great earbuds. We have had all of them, and they all have their individual pros and cons. No matter what earbud you choose to go with, you won’t be disappointed! Good luck!